Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Just when you get yourself in a routine...

I was woken up yesterday morning to my boyfriend freaking out. He had gone pee and had left the cat's laser pointer on the couch. He came out to my son with the laser pointer in his mouth and only one of the batteries to be found.

Ten hours later Briggs was released from the hospital. He had to have surgery to remove two batteries. I'm starting to feel ill from being pregnant, threw out my back holding Briggs so much yesterday in my arms instead of a carrier and things just are not the most ideal over here right now. Needless to say no training happened yesterday. None happened today either. I'm laying on the couch in agony with a really mellow, low key kid who just wants to cuddle.

Lucky for me my dog isn't high needs. He's been at my feet and content to just be let out in the yard to pee. The cat has been way less annoying today too. Tyler isn't home till nearly ten tonight. I am hoping to even just get Bandit out for ten minutes for some leash work so we do not lose the progress we made the other day. He walked on the side of a high way (he's a bit spooked by large trucks usually) with total calmness and politeness. He even passed a fence charging dog with no problem.

So even though life has handed me a bit of hell the last few days at least I can say my dog has not added to any of that stress.

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