Tuesday 6 March 2012

I'm rude

Not supporting abusive dog training techniques and being willing to voice my opinion on it is apparently rude. If that is so then I wear the title proudly. On a brighter note we did some recall work out in the yard today and Bandit was amazing. Yah for positivity!

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Just when you get yourself in a routine...

I was woken up yesterday morning to my boyfriend freaking out. He had gone pee and had left the cat's laser pointer on the couch. He came out to my son with the laser pointer in his mouth and only one of the batteries to be found.

Ten hours later Briggs was released from the hospital. He had to have surgery to remove two batteries. I'm starting to feel ill from being pregnant, threw out my back holding Briggs so much yesterday in my arms instead of a carrier and things just are not the most ideal over here right now. Needless to say no training happened yesterday. None happened today either. I'm laying on the couch in agony with a really mellow, low key kid who just wants to cuddle.

Lucky for me my dog isn't high needs. He's been at my feet and content to just be let out in the yard to pee. The cat has been way less annoying today too. Tyler isn't home till nearly ten tonight. I am hoping to even just get Bandit out for ten minutes for some leash work so we do not lose the progress we made the other day. He walked on the side of a high way (he's a bit spooked by large trucks usually) with total calmness and politeness. He even passed a fence charging dog with no problem.

So even though life has handed me a bit of hell the last few days at least I can say my dog has not added to any of that stress.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

No excuses

Yesterday I took Bandit out in the slushy weather. It had snowed a lot, then started to rain/snowy rain on us. It was miserable but fun at the same time. Super wet. We both got into the van drenched. I think took him to Petsmart for a bone. His off leash manners have improved so much.

I then took him for just a nice romp today at a campsite. He went for a frolic while Briggs ran around screaming with excitement. He's been 1000% better over the last few weeks. I'm so impressed how quick his behaviour is changing. Woohoo for positive reinforcement training!

He is also learning to target with his nose.

Saturday 18 February 2012

A bit off topic but...

My family just got a bit bigger. I'm pregnant. Time to really buckle down and get my dog less reactive and manageable as I wouldn't be able to exercise him during the day with a toddler and a newborn if he isn't. Talk about a kick in the ass if I ever feel like slacking!

Friday 17 February 2012

Bandit and I had the most pleasant walk we've ever had today.

I remembered treats but didn't use them as much as I was before. I would mix up the reward between allowing him to sniff + treats so he wasn't as tempted to hit the end of the leash. I only had to do the stop, turn around twice on a half an hour walk. Talk about successful! Briggs was on my back, Bandit was by my side and I was in utter bliss strolling with the two of them along the trail.

I also bought a fanny pack afterwards so I have a separate, easy to access bag for my treats. It's ugly but functional.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Woops! I forgot the treats

I forgot the clicker ant treats on our walk tonight so I just did the "be a tree" method and when he got really onto a scent I turned around and walked the other way and he was soooo good! I think I actually prefer that method as he isn't as overstimulated and I don't need to go for short walks. I can go for long ones.

Then he went for an offlead frolic in the park by where we are visiting. Jos, my family friend who walked Bandit yesterday, said the difference is just amazing. Bandit was great for him yesterday. The training is working.

Go Bandit go!

Life happens and training looks to be off for the next day or two

My son had to go to the hospital yesterday. He had a fever for quite some time and was screaming bloody murder. He was very dehydrated. He is okay now but feeling a bit under the weather. We are far from home and look like we may be stuck here longer as we can't drive home in crappy conditions with a sick child. Well I could but it doesn't sound ideal. I also don't want to have him that far away from a hospital if a fever spikes again.

Lucky for Bandit he got to go out for a walk regardless yesterday. A family friend called dibs on walking him last night before Briggs became ill. Lucky him! It's raining here in Vancouver right now so I doubt I will be the one walking Bandit with my sick son today. Oh well. Life happens and some times things do come before training. I think my excuse is pretty valid.

Bandit seems pretty content cuddled up to my toddler on the couch. So I don't feel so bad. He seems to understand Briggs is sick. I'm so grateful for how calm my dog is inside. No destruction over two days  indoors.

So we are all sitting up on the couch watching the Westminister dog show. Currently watching the best of the sporting group. Both Bandit and Briggs seem pretty into it. Maybe I'm raising the next great dog man? I can hope!